Who is eligible?
For Best Oral Presentation*, a scientist is eligible if
*Talks given in Sessions only will be judged for the Best Oral Presentations
For Best Poster Presentation*, a scientist is eligible
*All posters (Sessions & Workshops) will be judged for the Best Poster Presentations
How to apply?
On-line abstract submission page, "Young Scientist" section, click "Yes" radio button, and your paper will be considered.
Who will decide and what are the criteria?
The Best Presentation Award decisions will be made by the Standing Committee Chairmen who will select one Oral and one Poster Award recipient from among the sessions and workshops sponsored by a particular Committee.
Applications will be assessed on clarity, presentation, originality of work, and significance.
Awards recognize the quality of the presentations - not the career achievements of the scientists.
When the Award is announced?
The announcements about the Best Presentation Award are made during the Meeting's Closing Ceremony.
Link to the Best Presentation Award page for the previous PICES Annual Meetings