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Welcome Address

Richard W. (Rick) Spinrad
Launching the Future NOAA Chief Scientist

Dr. Richard W. (Rick) Spinrad was named by the Obama Administration as NOAA’s chief scientist on May 9, 2014.

An internationally recognized scientist and executive with more than 30 years of experience, Dr. Spinrad is the senior scientist for the agency, driving policy and program direction for science and technology priorities. Until this appointment, Dr. Spinrad served as vice president for research at Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis, Oregon, and from 2003 until 2010 was the head of NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and the head of the National Ocean Service.

As assistant administrator for research for NOAA, Dr. Spinrad directed the agency’s programs in oceanography, atmospheric science, and climate. He directly supervised several of NOAA’s high-profile research efforts, including ocean exploration, the National Sea Grant College Program, and the Climate Program Office, as well as seven NOAA laboratories around the United States.

Among his accomplishments, Dr. Spinrad was a co-lead of the White House Committee that developed the nation’s first set of ocean research priorities and oversaw the revamping of NOAA’s research enterprise. He also served as the Department of Commerce representative to the Office of Science and Technology Policy committee addressing scientific integrity.

Dr. Spinrad spent two years as NOAA’s assistant administrator for oceanic services and coastal zone management, directing the agency’s navigation and coastal services, including the National Geodetic Survey, the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, and the Office of Coastal Resource Management. As part of his duties, he represented U.S. interests in the establishment of a global tsunami warning system.

Prior to joining NOAA, Dr. Spinrad served as a research director with the U.S. Navy (Office of Naval Research and Oceanographer of the Navy), where he was awarded the U.S. Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Award (highest award given by the U.S. Navy to a civilian). He has held faculty appointments at three universities, directed a major national non-profit organization, presided over a private company, and worked as a research scientist. He also developed the National Ocean Sciences Bowl for high school students.

Dr. Spinrad served as the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. He is the recipient of Presidential Rank Awards from Presidents George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama. Dr. Spinrad is past president of the Oceanography Society and was president-elect of the Marine Technology Society. He is also a fellow of the American Meteorological Society, the Marine Technology Society, and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.

Dr. Spinrad received his bachelor of arts degree in earth and planetary sciences from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He received his master of science and doctoral degrees in oceanography from Oregon State University.

Keynote Speaker

Ryan Rykaczewski
Projecting ecosystem consequences of climate variability and change: Aspirations for the next 25 years of PICES University of South Carolina, USA

Dr. Ryan Rykaczewski is an Assistant Professor in the Marine Science Program and the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina, USA. He received his BS in Biology and Marine Science from the University of Miami and his PhD in Oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Ryan is a fisheries oceanographer with an interest in understanding the responses of marine ecosystems and fisheries production to changing ocean and climate properties, and his research investigates long-term changes in physical, biogeochemical, and planktonic characteristics that are evident in observational records and simulated by atmosphere-ocean general circulation models. The goal of this work is to improve understanding of the influence of regional and basin-scale processes on the composition and production of plankton and fish communities. He is a member of the CLIVAR Research Focus group on eastern boundary upwelling systems.

Session 1
25 Years of PICES: Celebrating the Past, Imagining the Future

Cornelius Hammer International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)

Session 1 Invited Speaker

Cornelius (Nils) Hammer was elected ICES President for a three-year term (November 2015 – October 2018). Cornelius' international nature was evident from an early age. Born to emigrant Germans in Australia, his name underwent an abbreviation to Neil and then a Germanization upon return to his parents' homeland to Nils. Although this is generally how he's been known since, he says "upon getting older, I came to like my original name much more and am happy to be called Cornelius as well."

Nils also discovered his calling early on. As a teenager, I figured out that I always wanted to be close to or at sea, and a little later my wish to become a biologist developed. At the age of 17, I worked as a volunteer on a Swedish herring cutter and loved the work and atmosphere. From there it was only a small step to fisheries biology. Nils went on to study that chosen subject in Hamburg and, with "the firm expectation of being unemployed after, gave away everything I didn't need to begin newly in Australia, still my inner home." However, he was handed a job and soon found himself as a project assistant in Manila, Philippines as part of an international team helping to reorganize the College of Fisheries. Returning to Hamburg for his PhD, graduating as a Doctor in 1988 and then again in 1996 having worked as an assistant professor.

In 1994 he started as a senior scientist at the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries in Hamburg, heading the pelagic section. It was around this time that he first crossed paths with ICES. When I began at ICES I realised there was a certain ICES feeling, a sort of family working there. I found it extremely intriguing to work with all these different nationalities, these personalities in a group with experts who I admired greatly. I have a very international attitude and I found this attitude realized in ICES. Nils other research interests include the bioenergetics of fish, fishery management and alternative management approaches, and recruitment of fish stocks.

In 2002, Nils traded Hamburg for Rostock, taking on the role of director at the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries – a challenge and rewarding task. He then became the German delegate to ICES and started teaching at the University of Rostock. At ICES, meanwhile, he progressed to First Vice-President in 2012 before being appointed President in October 2015 for a three-year term.

Naomi Harada Research and Development Center for Global Change (RCGC), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan

Session 1 Invited Speaker

Naomi Harada is Deputy Director of the Research and Development Center for Global Change (RCGC) at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). I am also leading the Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Research Group of RCGC, and the Arctic Marine Ecosystem Research Unit of the Institute of Arctic Climate and Environmental Research. My interests are to to understand changes in surface water conditions (temperature and salinity), biological productivity, and intermediate-deep water ventilation over the orbital and millennial time scales based on marine sediment core records from Okhotsk and Bering Seas and the western North Pacific. My current research interest is to understand productivity changes associated with climate change using time-series sediment trap experiments in the western subarctic North Pacific and Arctic Ocean  ( I am also a member of the science steering committee of Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS), which is the regional program of the Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER).

Alan Haynie NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Fisheries Science Center, USA

Session 1 Invited Speaker

Alan Haynie has been an economist at NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle since 2004. Alan’s research includes the spatial analysis of fisheries under changing climate, biological and market conditions, and management. Alan was a PI in the Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program and works in various capacities to integrate economics & social sciences with biological sciences in marine resource management. Alan’s work also explores the design and implementation of bycatch reduction incentives, the evaluation of bycatch hotspot closures, and the identification of unintended consequences of marine reserves. Alan is a member of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Groundfish Plan Team and oversees the spatial economics toolbox for fisheries (FishSET), a NOAA Fisheries initiative to improve the spatial modeling and management of fisheries.

Guido Marinone Centro de Investigación Científica y de Eduación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Mexico

Session 1 Invited Speaker

Guido Marinone is the Director General of Centro de Investigación Científica y de Eduación Superior de Ensenada, B.C. (CICESE). He received his BSc from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, his MSc from CICESE, and his PhD from the University of British Columbia. His research area has been in physical oceanography mainly studying the dynamics and circulation of coastal waters and regional seas through numerical modeling. He has also multidisciplinary collaborations regarding the distribution and evolution of trace metals, nutrients, fish eggs and larvae, as well as their spatial connectivity patterns due to the ocean currents.

Philip Munday James Cook University, Australia

Session 1 Invited Speaker

Professor Philip Munday is an ARC Future Fellow and Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. He has broad interests in the ecology and evolution of reef fishes. His primary research focuses on understanding and predicting the impacts that climate change and ocean acidification will have on populations and communities of marine fishes, both directly through changes in the physical environment and indirectly through effects on coral reef habitat. Using a range of laboratory and field-based experiments the research group he leads is investigating the effects of climate change on reef fish populations and testing their capacity for acclimation and adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. He has published over 190 refereed papers, including major reviews on the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification and the adaptive potential of reef fishes to these threats.

Phillip Mundy Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA, USA

Session 1 Invited Speaker

Phillip Mundy is Director of Auke Bay Laboratories (ABL) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. During his tenure as director, Phil has been active in the development of an internationally recognized program in fisheries oceanography, known as BASIS, which conducts ‘physics to fish’ surveys of the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea. Members of the BASIS team and other ABL scientists recently received the US Department of Commerce’s highest award, the Gold Medal, for their contributions to the success of the Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program. Phil is also active in developing Arctic research, serving within the Arctic Council as co-chair of the Ecosystem Approach Expert Group, EAEG, which reports to the three main scientific working groups of the Council, PAME, CAFF and AMAP. The EAEG was instrumental in the 2016 start-up of the ICES working group on integrated ecosystem assessment in the central Arctic Ocean, WGICA, on which Phil serves as a member. Since 2013 Phil has served as head of the US scientific delegation to the scientific committee supporting international negotiations to control commercial fishing in the central Arctic Ocean. In PICES Phil is a founding and former member of MONITOR, serving 2004-2005 as Chair and 2007-2013 as Co-Chair. Phil currently serves PICES as Chair of the Study Group on the North pacific Ecosystem Status Report. Back home Phil serves the Alaska Ocean Observing System as chair of the Data Management Committee. Service to AOOS is part of Phil’s long term interest in developing efficient time-saving methods for connecting biological scientists with oceanographic and atmospheric data. To demonstrate AOOS’ capabilities, since 2012 Phil has web-published a three-week ahead forecast of the timing of the salmon migration from the sea into the Yukon River each year to help fishery managers, using a model based on spring environmental conditions. Phil holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from U. Maryland, U. Alabama and U. Washington.

Essam Yassin Mohammed International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK

Session 1 Invited Speaker

Dr. Essam Yassin Mohammed is a senior environmental economist with IIED and former head of Fisheries Promotion Unit at the Ministry of Fisheries of Eritrea. In addition to his academic and professional experience as fisheries scientist, he is an expert in economic valuation of the environment. In his capacity as senior economist, he works on a wide range of topics from economic valuation of environmental goods and services to influencing policy processes to promote fair, inclusive and sustainable economies both at national and global levels. Essam also leads IIED's work programme on Ocean and Fisheries Economics [] He is editor of the book “Economic Incentives for Marine and Coastal Conservation: Prospects, Challenges and Policy Implications.” Essam is a member of the LDC Independent Expert Group on Post-2015 Development Agenda. He is also member of the Group of Experts of the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects of the United Nations.

Session 2
Early Life History Stages as Indicators and Predictors of Climate Variability and Ecosystem Change

Janet Duffy-Anderson NOAA, USA

Session 2 Invited Speaker

Dr. Janet Duffy-Anderson is the Program Manager for the NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s Recruitment Processes Program and co-lead for the Ecosystems and Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (EcoFOCI) Program. Janet earned a BS from Lafayette College, a PhD from the University of Delaware, and she conducted postdoctoral work at Rutgers University and the University of Washington. For over two decades, Janet has been interested in the development of mechanistic approaches to understanding how climate and ecosystem shifts mediate fisheries recruitment dynamics in Alaskan waters, with a focus on those events that affect fish during the vulnerable first year of life. Janet studies the biology and ecology of the egg, larval, and juvenile stages of marine and estuarine fishes, the interactions of these life stages with prevailing atmospheric, oceanographic, and biological processes, and the implications for population variability, trophic shifts, and ecosystem change. Janet applies these results to the development of indicators that can be used in assessments, forecasting, and Ecosystem Based Fishery Management. She is interested in processes from organism to ecosystem level.

Jon Hare NOAA, USA

Session 2 Invited Speaker

Jon Hare is the director of the NOAA Narragansett Laboratory and Acting Chief of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center Ecosystems Processes Division. He oversees ecosystem, climate, and ecology research that is used to improve assessments and management of marine resources. Jon earned a BA in Biology from Wesleyan University and a PhD in Oceanography from SUNY Stony Brook. He received a National Research Council Research Associate in 1994 to work at the NOAA Beaufort Laboratory and was hired by NOAA in 1997. Jon moved to the NOAA Narragansett Laboratory in 2005. His research has focused on fisheries oceanog raphy: understanding the interactions between the ocean environment and fisheries populations with an aim of contributing to assessments and management. Jon also examines the effect of climate change on fish and invertebrate population dynamics. This work involves coupling the output of global climate models with population models to simulate the effects of climate change on population dynamics. He also works to move the new scientific information into the assessment and management process and the development of new technologies for observing pelagic ecosystems.

Akinori Takasuka National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (Yokohama, Japan)

Session 2 Invited Speaker

Akinori Takasuka currently works as the head of the Fisheries Ecology group at National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (Yokohama, Japan) and an Affiliate Associate Professor of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. He received BSc, MSc, and PhD in Agricultural Science from The University of Tokyo. He finished PhD work on growth and survival mechanism during early life history stages of anchovy in 2003. His interests have been directed to mechanisms of fish population dynamics. The current main study topics are biological mechanisms of species alternations (out-of-phase population oscillations between anchovy and sardine) in response to climate change, growth and survival mechanisms during early life stages, and spawning biology of small pelagic fish species. His recent activity includes international collaboration projects. In November 2015, he organized a symposium/workshop on “Growth–survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: controversy, synthesis, and multidisciplinary approach” with his Japanese and Canadian colleagues in Yokohama.

Session 3
Source, Transport and Fate of Hydrocarbons in the Marine Environment

Kenneth Lee Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia

Session 3 Invited Speaker

Dr. Kenneth Lee is currently the Director of Oceans and Atmosphere, Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia’s national science organization. His group provides large-scale multidisciplinary science to support sustainable development of Australia’s marine estate and management of its atmospheric environment. Prior to joining CSIRO in 2013, he was the founding Executive Director of the Centre for Offshore Oil, Gas and Energy Research (COOGER), Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The Centre coordinates and implements research programs with industry and academia to provide scientific knowledge and advice on the environmental risks associated with the development of Canada’s offshore oil and gas, and ocean renewable energy sector.

Ken has over 35 years of experience working in the field of aquatic science and is the author of more than 400 academic and technical publications. In 2010, Essential Science Indicators ( identified him as one of the top 10 scientists in oil spill research during the previous decade. He has been awarded the “Prix d’Excellence” for exemplary contributions in science (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) and the Government of Canada’s “Federal Partners in Technology Transfer - Leadership Award” for technology transfer from a federal laboratory to the private sector.

Ken has contributed to, and led major international collaborative research programs involving federal government agencies, academia, industry and the public. Recent examples include membership on the US National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Committees: “Arctic Oil Spill Response” and “Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil Spill on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico”. In 2016, he was appointed Chair of the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel: “The Behaviour and Environmental Impacts of Crude Oil Released into Aqueous Environments”. Deliverables from these committees and research programs have supported the development and revision of national policies and regulations, and international standards and governance for the protection of the marine environment.

Session 4
Climate Variability, Climate Change and the Reproductive Ecology of Marine Populations

Olav Kjesbu Hjort Centre for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

Session 4 Invited Speaker

My current research focuses on understanding how environmental variability affects marine fish reproductive investment, and how this might ultimately filter through to recruitment dynamics. The reproductive ecology of Atlantic herring and cod is of particular interest, and provides the opportunity to undertake contrasting studies on a planktivorous and piscivorous species, respectively. An important incentive behind these studies is that high latitudes are expected to experience faster and more severe climate change than other regions. Development of new laboratory methods is central to this reproductive work. Currently, I am the Director of the Hjort Centre of Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, a research cluster comprising the major marine research institutions in Bergen, Norway.

Richard McBride NOAA Fisheries, Woods Hole Laboratory, USA

Session 4 Invited Speaker

Rich McBride is a Supervisory Research Fishery Biologist at NOAA Fisheries, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts ( ). He is in charge of a data-driven program that collects, processes, and interprets biological samples of marine fishes ( He received his B.S. in Biology from Eckerd College (Florida), an M.S. in Marine Science from Stony Brook University (New York), and a Ph.D. in Ecology & Evolution from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. A focus of this work is to use quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures to test new methods, optimize cost efficiency, and build reliable datasets for stock and ecosystem assessments. His research synthesizes the components of an organism’s life history – their age, size, reproduction, mortality, trophic and habitat dynamics – to better understand their population dynamics. His recent review papers cover topics such as: Florida’s diadromous fishes (Florida Scientist); the ecology and management of circumtropically distributed bonefish, tarpon, and ladyfish species (Fish & Fisheries); the stock structure of the species managed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (North American Journal of Fisheries Management); QA/QC methods used in production fish aging laboratories (ICES Journal of Marine Science); and a global synthesis about the interactions between environmental variability and reproductive strategies of fishes (Fish & Fisheries).

Session 5
Understanding our Changing Oceans through Species Distributions and Habitat Models based on Remotely Sensed Data

Robert Suryan Oregon State University, OR, USA

Session 5 Invited Speaker

Dr. Rob Suryan is an Associate Professor – Senior Research in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center. For over 20 years Rob has studied the marine ecosystem processes and their effect on foraging ecology, reproduction, and population dynamics of mid to upper trophic-level consumers, particularly seabirds. He specializes in integrated ecosystem studies working with physical, biological, and fisheries oceanographers and developing programs to integrate and model predator response to changing prey availability or ocean climate. Rob also uses satellite remote sensing applications to study atmospheric and oceanographic effects on predator distribution, identification of biological hotspots, and the effects of climate variability. He has used state of the art electronics to study foraging, migration, and dive patterns of seabirds and integrated these data with in-situ and remotely-sensed measures of prey resources or their proxies. Research methodologies include remote sensing time series analyses, habitat modeling, stable isotope analyses for dietary and food web studies, animal tracking, colony-based observational studies, and vessel-based surveys. Rob applies results from many of these studies to address seabird-fishery interactions, marine spatial planning, and other human-marine resource interactions

Session 6
What Factors make or break Trophic Linkages?

Masashi Kiyota National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Fishery Research Agency, Japan

Session 6 Invited Speaker

Dr. Masashi Kiyota is the chief of the Oceanic Ecosystems Group, Oceanic Resources Division of the National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Japan. His Ph. D study is on breeding system and foraging ecology of northern fur seals and their relation to population dynamics and management. He has been conducting scientific researches on large marine animals such as marine mammals, sea birds, and sea turtles to understand and mitigate their interactions with commercial fisheries. His recent studies focus on the assessment of current ecosystem status and evaluation of fisheries impacts based on top predator information, fishery-related data and ecosystem modeling with a final goal of the development of autonomous and adaptive ecosystem-based management framework for fisheries to accomplish sustainable utilization of biological resources and conservation of regional marine ecosystems.

Kenneth Rose College of the Coast & Environment, Louisiana State University, USA

Session 6 Invited Speaker

Kenny Rose is the E.L. Abraham Distinguished Professor in Louisiana Environmental Studies in the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences at Louisiana State University. Kenny received his BS in Biology and Mathematics from the University at Albany, and his masters and PhD in fisheries from the University of Washington. His research focuses on the development and use of computer and mathematical modeling for theoretical and applied analyses of aquatic ecosystems. Recently, much of Kenny’s effort has involved spatially-explicit individual-based modeling of fish populations and communities, including developing end-to-end type models. These models have been used to predict responses to various stressors, such as fishing, habitat loss, contaminants, and climate change. Kenny has also been involved in a variety of water allocation issues, such as on the Klamath River and San Francisco estuary. He is a fellow of the AAAS, and has served on variety of review and advisory panels and committees.

Session 7
New Stage of Ocean Acidification Studies: Responses of Oceanic Ecosystem including Fisheries Resources

George Waldbusser Oregon State University, USA

Session 7 Invited Speaker

Dr. George Waldbusser is an Associate Professor of Benthic Ecology and Biogeochemistry in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University, USA. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in Marine and Estuarine Environmental Science, and has wide interests in the intersection among organismal biology, ecosystem ecology, and human disturbance to the environment. His work on ocean acidification has focused on impacts to marine bivalves, across life-history stages, and encompassing human interactions with shellfish resources and global change. From the initiation of calcification in larval bivalves, to the degradation rates of shell hash, he has a strong interest in biocalcification. He has a passion for understanding complexity in the environment and the feedbacks between organisms and the systems in which they reside. Dr. Waldbusser has and continues to work on basic and applied research questions that serve the purposes of broadening fundamental understanding, and empowering stakeholders to utilize that information effectively. He has served on a number of ocean acidification advisory panels, serves as an Associate Editor of Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, and is on the editorial board for the Journal of Shellfish Research. The importance of his work on larval bivalve responses to ocean acidification for the US West Coast shellfish industry and his efficacy as a public speaker were recently recognized by his institution with the Vice Provost Award for Excellence in Strategic Impact in Outreach and Engagement.

John Pinnegar Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, UK

Session 7 Invited Speaker

John Pinnegar is Programme Director for Marine Climate Change at Cefas, the UK government fisheries lab in Lowestoft, United Kingdom. His research interests include the impact of climate change on marine animal populations, marine food-webs and ecosystem modelling. He has published widely on trophic interactions and the relative importance of fishing and climatic factors in determining fish stock status. He has an interest in future scenarios and public perception of maritime climate issues.

He plays an active role in many EU and national research programmes, and regularly provides advice to the UK government and industry. He is an honorary lecturer at the University of East Anglia on fisheries and conservation biology. He was awarded the Fisheries Society of the British Isles ‘FSBI Medal’ in July 2009, in recognition of younger scientists who are deemed to have made exceptional advances in the study of fish biology and/or fisheries.

Steve Widdicombe Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK

Session 7 Invited Speaker

Dr. Steve Widdicombe leads the PML strategic science area Marine Ecology and Biodiversity. The research he oversees aims to develop novel approaches for measuring and describing biodiversity across a range of biological scales, investigate the relationships between biodiversity and the provision of key biogeochemical processes, and thus develop the understanding necessary to predict the impact of biodiversity change on the structure and function of marine ecosystems. Steve has >25 years of experience in using field observations and manipulative experiments to address issues relating to benthic ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem function. Much of his recent research has concentrated on the ecological impacts of increasing seawater CO2 levels, rising temperatures and expanding areas of hypoxia. Through this interest in CO2 research, Steve has developed an expertise in Ocean Acidification and in the potential biological impacts of leakage from CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS).

Session 8
The Effect of Marine Debris caused by the Great Tsunami of 2011

James Carlton Professor of Marine Sciences Emeritus, Williams College, USA

Session 8 Invited Speaker

Jim is Professor of Marine Sciences Emeritus at Williams College. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis in Ecology, and was a postdoctoral scholar at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. His research is on global marine bioinvasions (their ecosystem impacts, dispersal mechanisms, and management strategies) and on marine extinctions in modern times. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Biological Invasions. He is a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), a Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences, a Distinguished Research Fellow of the University of California, and a Duke University Conservation Scholar. He was the first scientist to receive the federal government’s Interagency Recognition Award for his national and international work to reduce the impacts of exotic invasions in the sea. He was Co-Chair of the Marine Biodiversity Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, which produced Understanding Marine Biodiversity: A Research Agenda for the Nation. Jim has testified nine times before the United States Congress (Senate and House subcommittees) concerning legislation involving invasive species in his capacity as an expert in the field. Jim was featured in the nationally broadcast PBS-National Geographic series “Strange Days on Planet Earth,” is annually heard on NPR, and was named by the Smithsonian Institution as an “Ocean Hero.” Jim is committed to a curriculum that inspires undergraduates to pursue integrated investigations in the field of maritime studies.

Session 9
Resilience, Transitions and Adaptation in Marine Ecosystems under a Changing Climate

Benjamin Planque Institute of Marine Research, Tromsø, Norway

Session 9 Invited Speaker

Benjamin Planque holds a PhD in biological oceanography from the University 'Pierre et Marie Curie' (Paris, France, 1996). He has worked as a research scientist at the Center for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS, UK) and the French Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer, France) on fish ecology, climate impact on marine populations, fish stock assessment and spatial ecology. He is presently based at the Institute of Marine Research in Tromsø, Norway, where his research focusses on the ecology of deep-water redfish, the study of the Norwegian Sea mesopelagic ecosystem, stochastic food web modelling and quantitative approaches to evaluate resilience and predictability in marine ecosystems.

Session 10
The Response of Marine Ecosystems to Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing: Past, Present and Future

Masaki Miya Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Japan

Session 10 Invited Speaker

Masaki Miya is the head of the Zoology Department at the Natural History Museum and Institute. My earlier research focused on reconstruction of the evolutionary history of fishes that has shaped the present-day diversity of >30,000 species through geographic space and geological time. To address this issue, my research group has assembled >1000 whole mitogenome sequences from various taxonomic groups and inferred their relationships and divergence times based on comparisons of these sequences. The resulting time trees can be used to address evolutionary questions regarding patterns of diversifications.

More recently, my research team has developed a novel high-throughput multispecies identification system using environmental DNA from fishes. The new system is called “metabarcoding” and I designed universal PCR primers that are essential for metabarcoding eDNA from a diverse range of fishes. The new metabarcoding platform has the potential to serve as an alternative tool for biodiversity monitoring that revolutionizes natural resource management and ecological studies of fish communities on larger spatial and temporal scales.

Ryan Rykaczewski University of South Carolina, USA

Session 10 Invited Speaker

Dr. Ryan Rykaczewski is an Assistant Professor in the Marine Science Program and the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina, USA. He received his BS in Biology and Marine Science from the University of Miami and his PhD in Oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Ryan is a fisheries oceanographer with an interest in understanding the responses of marine ecosystems and fisheries production to changing ocean and climate properties, and his research investigates long-term changes in physical, biogeochemical, and planktonic characteristics that are evident in observational records and simulated by atmosphere-ocean general circulation models. The goal of this work is to improve understanding of the influence of regional and basin-scale processes on the composition and production of plankton and fish communities. He is a member of the CLIVAR Research Focus group on eastern boundary upwelling systems.

Jennifer Sunday University of British Columbia, Canada

Session 10 Invited Speaker

Jennifer Sunday studies the consequences of climate change on marine ecosystems. She applies population and community ecology, thermal physiology, and analysis of species’ ecological traits to better understand the affects of climate change. Her work has shown that marine species’ geographic distributions are better matched to their thermal tolerance limits compared to terrestrial species, and that marine taxa with broader geographic ranges have been more responsive to climate-induced range expansions. Her work has also demonstrated evolutionary potential among marine invertebrates to ocean acidification. Sunday’s current work is focused on improving our predictive understanding of how ecological interactions will be affected by climate change within marine communities. She is an early-career researcher, and currently holds a post-doctoral fellowship at the Biodiversity Research Centre at the University of British Columbia.

Samantha (Sam) Stevenson National Center for Atmospheric Research, CO, USA

Session 10 Invited Speaker

Samantha (Sam) Stevenson is a project scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, where she has worked since 2014 in the Climate Change Research section. She retains a joint appointment with the University of Hawaii, where she did postdoctoral work under an NSF Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship with in the Oceanography department. She got her PhD at the University of Colorado at Boulder, in Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (ATOC). Dr. Stevenson's research goals relate to understanding how large-scale climate variability responds to external forcing, improving inferences of those changes using paleoclimate archives, and using that information to better represent climate variability in climate models. Her PhD work focused on the response of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to 21st century climate change; since then, her work has focused on developing new techniques for constraining past ENSO modulations using coral paleoclimate records, and diagnosing the dynamics of the tropical Pacific response to both natural and anthropogenic influences over the last millennium.

Session 11
Advances in Understanding and Modeling of Physical Processes in the North Pacific in the Past 25 Years of PICES and Future Directions

Michael Foreman Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada

Session 11 Invited Speaker

Michael Foreman ( is a Scientist Emeritus at the Institute of Ocean Sciences (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) where his research has included coastal biophysical modeling, climate change modeling and analyses, data assimilation, satellite altimetry analyses, and the analysis, prediction and modeling of tides. He has been active in PICES for many years, serving as Chair of the Physical and Oceanographic and Climate (POC) committee from 2005 to 2010 and Co-Chair of Working Group 20 (Evaluations of Climate Change Projections) from 2006 to 2010, and presently continuing as a member of POC, the Section of Climate Change Effects on Marine Ecosystems and Working Groups 27 (North Pacific Climate Variability and Change) and 29 (Regional Climate Modeling).

Jerome Fiechter Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California-Santa Cruz, USA

Session 11 Invited Speaker

Dr. Jerome Fiechter is a research scientist at the University of California in Santa Cruz. Over the past few years, his research has been focused on using state-of-the art modeling tools to investigate ecosystem variability and trophic interactions in the broader California Current region. More specifically, he studies linkages between environmental variability, prey availability, and the foraging ecology of key marine species at local and regional scales. Recent research activities include: (1) a comprehensive, “end-to-end” modeling study of long-term fluctuations of sardine and anchovy population dynamics, (2) a new approach for predicting shifts in California sea lion foraging patterns in response to changes in environmental and feeding conditions, and (3) an improved description of ocean conditions affecting the growth and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon during their first year at sea. In addition to research activities, Jerome has been involved as a member of a PICES working group on regional climate modeling, as well as an invited contributor to NOAA workshops on ecosystem tipping points and on projecting marine mammal distributions in a changing climate.

Vyacheslav Lobanov V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI), Russia

Session 11 Invited Speaker

Dr. Vyacheslav B. (Slava) Lobanov is a director of V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences) in Vladivostok, Russia. He has received diploma in oceanography from Leningrad University and his Ph.D from Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. His scientific interests are in physical oceanography, mesoscale water dynamics, circulation and changes in Asian Marginal Sea and ocean observations. Slava was involved in developing of major international research programs for the Asian Marginal Seas during last two decades. He is with PICES for many years been served as a chair of POC committee (1998-2001), member of MONITOR committee, several working and study groups, FUTURE SSC and co-chairman of AP-CREAMS.

Ichiro Yasuda The University of Tokyo, Japan

Session 11 Invited Speaker

Ichiro Yasuda is a professor in the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute of the University of Tokyo. Before that he was a researcher at the Tohoku Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory of the Japan Fisheries Agency, and an Associate Professor at Hokkaido University. His research interests broadly span much of physical oceanography, including ocean circulation and transport processes, water mass structure, eddies, and environmental influences on growth and recruitment of marine fishes.

Session 12
Causes and Consequences of 25 Years of Variability in Ocean Conditions on the Ecosystems of the North Pacific

Emanuele Di Lorenzo Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Session 12 Invited Speaker

Dr. Emanuele Di Lorenzo is a Professor of Ocean and Climate Dynamics in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A. He received his Ph.D. in oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 2003. His research interests and experience span a wide range of topics from physical oceanography to ocean climate and marine ecosystems. More specific focus is on dynamics of basin and regional ocean circulation, inverse modeling, Pacific low-frequency variability, and impacts of large-scale climate variability on marine ecosystem dynamics ( In PICES he is co-chair of the Working group on North Pacific Climate Variability & Change and member of the Section on Human Dimensions of Marine Ecoystems, the Study Group on Climate and Ecosystem Predictability, and the FUTURE SSC.

Art Miller Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California-San Diego, USA

Session 12 Invited Speaker

Art Miller is a Research Oceanographer and a Senior Lecturer in Climate Sciences at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UCSD). He is also currently Head of the Oceans and Atmosphere Section of SIO. He is a physical oceanographer who studies oceanic influences on climate variability using a combination of computer simulation models and observational analysis. He also is involved in working with biologists to try to understand how physical oceanographic changes affect oceanic ecosystems. His research extends from basic issues in dynamical oceanography to a variety of topics in climate dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions, ocean data assimilation, regional impacts of global climate change, and oceanic ecosystem response to physical forcing.

Session 13
Understanding the Changing Coastal Ocean: Advances and Challenges in Multi-parameter Observations

Hidekatsu Yamazaki Department of Ocean Sciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan

Session 13 Invited Speaker

Hidekatsu Yamazaki is professor of Department of Ocean Sciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. He received Ph.D. in ocean engineering from Texas A&M University in 1984. He worked at Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and switched his expertise from ocean engineering to oceanography. His interest in oceanic microstructures, particularly turbulence and plankton, started at NPS. He also worked at Chesapeake Bay Institute, Johns Hopkins University and School of Earth and Ocean Science, University of Victoria before he returned to Japan in 1993. His research spans from oceanic microstructures to fisheries ground environments as well as various biophysical coupling problems.

Workshop 1
Acidification of the North Pacific Ocean: a basin-wide assessment

Karen Kohfeld Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada

Workshop 1 Invited Speaker

Dr. Kohfeld is interested in understanding natural variability and biogeochemical linkages within the ocean and climate system, in order to better assess earth system responses to anthropogenic perturbations. Her research focuses on natural and anthropogenic changes in the ocean carbon cycle, the influence of climate and land surface conditions on atmospheric dust, and assessing and adapting to extreme weather conditions in British Columbia.

Workshop 2
Conditions promoting extreme Pseudo-nitzschia events in the eastern Pacific but not the western Pacific

Inna Stonik Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok, Russia

Workshop 2 Invited Speaker

Dr. Inna Stonik is a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology (IMB), Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS). She has received her diploma in hydrobiology from the Far Eastern State University and her Candidate of Biological Science (PhD) degree diploma from the FEB RAS. The area of her scientific expertise is taxonomy, morphology, ecology, and population dynamics of marine diatoms (including harmful and toxic species). She has been involved in the programs for harmful algae bloom (HAB) monitoring in the Far Eastern seas of Russia during the last two decades. She has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers, including major reviews on toxicological properties and mechanisms of biological action of the main groups of marine microalgal toxins. The current work is a comprehensive study of the toxic diatoms from the Sea of Japan, considering their species diversity, taxonomy, as well as features of their biology and biochemistry.

Workshop 3
Distributions of habitat-forming coral and sponge assemblages in the North Pacific Ocean and factors influencing their distributions

Hiroya Yamano Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, NIES, Japan

Workshop 3 Invited Speaker

Dr. Hiroya Yamano is the Director and Head of the Biodiversity Conservation Planning Section of the Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies of the National Institute for Environmental Studies. His special interests are shallow-water coral ecology and biodiversity, environmental change, and remote sensing, including historical effects of sea-level change and reef evolution. He has published (in English) more than 70 peer reviewed papers on coral reefs and other topics.

Workshop 4
Methods relating oceanographic conditions to the distribution of highly migratory species

Barbara Muhling NOAA, USA

Workshop 4 Invited Speaker

Dr. Barbara Muhling is a fisheries oceanographer with the Southwest Fisheries Science Center. Her research examines the effects of climate variability and change on the distribution and phenology of pelagic fishes, particularly highly migratory species such as tunas. She is especially interested in the application of a variety of environmental data sources, such as satellite data, ocean models and global climate models, to complex fisheries management problems. Barbara earned her PhD at Murdoch University (Australia) in 2006 before completing a 2 year NRC postdoc at the University of Miami. She then worked as an associate scientist at the University of Miami from 2009-2015, before joining Princeton University as an associate research scholar. She has been with the Southwest Fisheries Science Center since 2016.

Workshop 5
Modeling effects of climate change on fish and fisheries

Michio Kawamiya JAMSTEC, Japan

Workshop 5 Invited Speaker

Dr. Michio Kawamiya received his PhD in Oceanography from the University of Tokyo, Japan in 1997. He since has held research positions at the University of Tokyo, the University of Kiel, Germany and JAMSTEC. He has been leading earth system model development at JAMSTEC since 2004. His interests include, among others, carbon cycle and ocean ecosystem for global warming projection. He is a member of Working Group on Coupled Models (WGCM) of WCRP and representative of Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU).

Workshop 6
Consumption of North Pacific forage species by marine birds and mammals

Julie Thayer Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research, CA, USA

Workshop 6 Invited Speaker

Julie Thayer has worked in the California Current marine ecosystem for the past eighteen years. She studied at the University of California at Santa Cruz/Long Marine Lab and UC Davis in Marine Biology and Ecology. Julie has conducted research on a variety of top marine predators and their prey in relation to ocean climate. She organized a group of researchers around the North Pacific Rim (Japan, Canada, U.S.) for a comparative study of forage fishes eaten by the seabird rhinoceros auklet, focusing on spatio-temporal synchronicity in connection with local to basin-scale marine variability (Thayer et al. 2008). Julie also led a Collaborative Fisheries Research project in which salmon diet data was collected in partnership with local fishers, synthesizing long-term data to help understand the Chinook population crash in the late 2000s (Thayer et al. 2014). She is currently focusing on forage fish management strategies and incorporation of predator needs, including consumption estimates of marine mammals, birds and large fishes. A resident of Santa Cruz, California, Julie recently returned from a Fulbright grant studying tropical reef food webs and development of marine reserves off the northeast coast of Brazil.

Workshop 7
Delivering quality multi-parameter data from the coastal ocean

Rich Pawlowicz University of British Columbia, Canada

Workshop 7 Invited Speaker

Rich Pawlowicz is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of British Columbia, where the intricate north-east Pacific coastline and landscape affords endless opportunities to study small-scale stratified flow dynamics and medium-scale regional oceanography with applications to fisheries and contaminants. His science is based on developing and exploiting new techniques for studying these systems, involving platforms, instrumentation, mathematical principles, and software, both alone and in collaboration with ocean observatory systems. Recently he has become interested in large-scale changes in the composition sea salt and the properties of seawater, contributed to the development of the new TEOS-10 seawater standard, and is currently the chair of the Joint SCOR/IAPSO/IAPWS Committee on the Properties of Seawater (JCS).

Zhifeng Zhang National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center (NMEMC), SOA, PR China

Workshop 7 Invited Speaker

Zhifeng Zhang is a researcher in National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center in Dalian city of China, which is the leading agency for technique support of the marine environmental monitoring network. His research is focusing on the biogeochemical processes of nutrients in estuaries and eutrophication mechanism in coastal ocean. In recent years, he and his group members have been devoted to the establishment and operational application of on-line multi-parameter marine environmental monitoring network in the coastal ocean, especially for bio-chemical parameters in estuaries and bays. High quality data are expected by optimization of monitoring sites, developing of new platforms and sensors, and establishment of unified QA/QC protocols.

Workshop 8
Mesoscale and submesoscale processes in the North Pacific: history and new challenges

Sachihiko Itoh The University of Tokyo, Japan

Workshop 8 Invited Speaker

Dr. Sachihiko Itoh is an Associate Professor in Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. He received his B.S. in Earth and Planetary Physics, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography from the University of Tokyo. One of his major research focuses is the characteristics of mesoscale eddies in the Kuroshio/Oyashio area, and he has been studied them comprehensively through observations, data analysis and numerical experiments. His recent research interests extend from mesoscale to submesoscale processes, and their influences onto the ecosystem variability.

Naomi M. Levine University of Southern California, USA

Workshop 8 Invited Speaker

Dr. Naomi Levine is a Gabilan Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and Earth Sciences at the University of Southern California. She received her BA in Geosciences from Princeton University and her PhD in Oceanography from the MIT-WHOI Joint Program. Her research focuses on understanding the interactions between climate and marine microbial ecosystem composition and function. By combining biological, chemical and physical observations with ecosystem models, Naomi aims to elucidate the underlying mechanisms responsible for biogeochemical cycling in marine microbial ecosystems and to identify climate-ecosystem feedback loops. The Levine lab is developing novel modeling approaches that explicitly represent the response of dynamic microbial communities to a variable and changing environment.

Workshop 9
The role of the northern Bering Sea in modulating Arctic environments: towards international interdisciplinary efforts

Seth Danielson University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA

Workshop 9 Invited Speaker

Dr. Seth Danielson is a Research Associate Professor of Oceanography at the School of Fisheries and Ocean Science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His research focuses on the variability of the circulation and thermohaline fields in Alaska’s marine waters. Recently his interests have focused on developing a better understanding of how physical features that we can observe at very short time and length scales influence biologic measurements and how these both manifest as ecosystem responses over seasonal to interannual time scales and estuary to basin length scales.

Gennady V. Khen Mr. Kirill Kivva on behalf of Dr. Gennady V. Khen Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), Russia

Workshop 9 Invited Speaker

Dr. Gennady V. Khen is a physical oceanographer at the Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO-Center, Russia). He graduated Geography Department of the Moscow State University in 1970, and then for a long time (12 years) he worked at the Pacific Institution of Fish Concentration Search (TURNIF). He received his PhD in oceanography in 1988 in the State Institution of Oceanography in Moscow. Since 1998 he is a head of Laboratory of Fisheries Oceanography of TINRO-Center. The staff of the Laboratory investigates meteorology and oceanography of the Bering, Okhotsk and Japan Seas and north-western Pacific. His research interests include the changing physical processes in the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk and their influence on fishery resources. He had shown the importance of the water exchange of Russian Far Eastern Seas with Pacific for marine climate. He was involved in activity of POC Committee of PICES in second half 1990-s. Now he is a member of Data Management working group of NEAR-GOOS.

Mr. Kirill Kivva is researcher at Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography. He received his BS and MS degrees from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2008 and 2011, respectively. His main scientific area is nutrient dynamics and primary productivity assessment in the Bering Sea. Besides, Mr. Kivva contributed to the North Pole research operations at the ice camp in 2014-2015 and several scientific cruises to the North Pacific and Arctic oceans in 2008-2015.

Alexander Zavolokin North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC)

Workshop 9 Invited Speaker

Alexander Zavolokin is a Science Manager in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Before he took this position in 2016, he was a Head of laboratory of Applied Biocenology in the Pacific Research Fisheries Center, Vladivostok, Russia. He received his PhD in hydrobiology in 2008 and his Doctor of Science degree in ichthyology in 2015. While Alexander has broad scientific interests, the main areas of his research include carrying capacity of the North Pacific for Pacific salmon and other pelagic fish, modeling trophic interactions in pelagic communities, and significance of jellyfish in the ecosystems and economics of Russia’s Far Eastern Seas.

Workshop 10
Distribution and risk analysis of radionuclides in the North Pacific

Núria Casacuberta ETH Zürich, The Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics and Environmental Physics, Switzerland

Workshop 10 Invited Speaker

Dr. Núria Casacuberta is an Ambizione fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation. She is currently performing her research at ETH Zürich, in an interplay between two groups: Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics and Environmental Physics. Núria studied Environmental Sciences at Autonomous University of Barcelona. She earned her PhD in 2011 and continued as a postdoctoral researcher being involved in the study of the impact of artificial radionuclides in the coast off Japan, in collaboration with US and Japanese institutions. In 2013 she was awarded with an ETH postdoctoral grant (Zürich) with the aim to investigate whether the artificial radionuclide 236U was a potential future tracer in oceanography. Successful results in the use of this radionuclide (in combination with 129I and other artificial radionuclides) as a novel tool in oceanography resulted into the award of an Ambizione grant in 2015 from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Currently, one of her main focus of research is in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, where the signal of 236U and 129I from the two European nuclear reprocessing plants (Sellafield and La Hague) can be used to understand circulation patterns in the marine environment. Since 2011, Núria is also dedicated in the continuous surveillance of radionuclide releases (137Cs, 90Sr, 129I and actinides) as a consequence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident. She is part of the European COMET-FRAME project, which aims to better understand the sources, fate, transport, bioaccumulation and associated impact of radionuclides from the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP accident in Japan. To this aim, Núria took part in the different expeditions to the coast off Japan from 2011 until today, being fully involved in the analysis of artificial radionuclides in seawater samples, in strong collaboration with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Fukushima University and others.