
Scientific workshops and sessions will include invited and contributed papers. Contributed papers will be selected for oral or poster presentations.

Please scroll down to check the "Important Dates" column on the right-side menu.

Guidelines and Steps to Submit an Abstract:

  1. Use this Template (pdf, doc) to prepare your abstract

    An abstract that does not conform to the following guidelines will be returned to the author for revision.
    NOTE: English language only, (.rtf) or (.doc) file, NO pictures/tables/graphs

  2. Pre-register (on-line).

  3. Submit an abstract (on-line).

Login and follow these steps

Confirmation email will be sent to you instantly, after abstract submission.


Abstract Acceptance Notification:

Submitters should receive notification emails from PICES Secretariat regarding the acceptance of their abstracts (as oral or poster presentations).

Sometimes PICES emails end up in your junk box or get rejected. Please check "Submitted Abstracts" page to see if your paper is accepted and what presentation type your paper is granted.

Session and workshop convenors will do their best to accommodate authors' preferences for oral or poster presentations. However, because the sessions have a limited number of timeslots, some papers submitted with a request for an oral presentation might be offered to be presented as posters. If a paper is on the list of potential substitutes, such paper will be moved back to the Oral Session, if another participant cancels his/her talk.

Session convenors reserve the right to reject submitted abstracts that are poorly written, do not follow the submission guidelines, and/or are outside the scope of the conference. They also have the right to move the abstracts to more suitable sessions.

Confirm your Attendance and Presentation:

When you receive a notification email from PICES Secretariat about your Abstract Acceptance, please confirm your symposium attendance and presentation. To confirm, simply reply to an email, specifying your PaperID number and Presenter Name (as listed in the "Submitted Abstracts and Granted Presentation Type" table (Link TBA) in the subject line and let us know if you are planning to attend the symposium and present your paper.

If you are planning to attend in person, please insert this at the beginnging of the subject line:
ACCEPT, IN-PERSON, PaperID Number, Presenter Name Re: SPF-2026
Example: Judy Smith wih PaperID=58555 will give a talk in Session 1
ACCEPT, IN-PERSON, PaperID=58555, Judy Smith Re: SPF-2026, Session 1, granted type “Oral”.

If you are NOT planning to attend in person, but your talk/poster will be presented by someone else, please insert this at the beginnging of the subject line:
ACCEPT, BY Co-Author, PaperID, Talk/Poster presented by (Substitute's name or TBD) on behalf of (Presenter) Re: SPF-2026
Example: Gary Duncan wih PaperID=58666 cannot attend, but his colleague Tom Andersen will present a poster in Session 6
ACCEPT, BY Co-Author, PaperID=58666, Tom Andersen on behalf of Gary Duncan Re: SPF-2026, Session 6, granted type “Poster”.

If you want to cancel your talk and attendance, please insert this at the beginnging of the subject line:
CANCEL talk/poster and participation, PaperID Number, Presenter Name Re: SPF-2026
Example: Myron Gill wih PaperID=58777 cancells a talk in Session 3
CANCEL, PaperID=58777, Myron Gill Re: SPF-2026, Session 3, granted type “Oral”.

If for any reason you have not received an email about your Abstract Acceptance (all deadlines are listed on the right-side menu of this page), please check the "Submitted Abstracts and Granted Presentation Type (Link TBA)" web page to find information about your paper - SessionID, PaperID, Presenter, Granted Presentation Type - and Confirm your presentation and attendance before the deadline.


Julia Yazvenko
Database and Web Administrator
PICES Secretariat
Phone: 1-250-363-6366
Fax: 1-250-363-6827
E-mail: secretariat@pices.int