Study Group: Generating Recommendations to Encourage Environmentally- Responsible Networking
The CoVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for and expansion of remote conferencing capability worldwide. While there may never be a complete replacement for the social events and serendipitous brainstorming provided by in-person meetings, the urgency of climate change impacts of global travel has highlighted the importance of a balanced approach to sharing scientific knowledge through a combination of remote conferencing and in-person meetings. Similarly, a targeted focus on the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UNDOS) has brought to light the importance of remote conferencing as a platform which can provide increased opportunities for under-represented people and countries to be heard, despite economic, travel, or other limitations. Also, several EU countries are now limiting scientist’s travel in recognition of the urgent need to address the climate crisis. PICES has the opportunity to play a leadership role in exploring the appropriate balance of in-person and remote meetings, providing an example for the international community. This will create a lasting positive legacy for PICES well into the future, that helps improve environmental justice, equity, and diversity in planning its engagement with the worldwide scientific community.
Terms of Reference
  1. Identify a mechanism agreeable to all PICES member countries for sustained green meetings within the PICES scientific structure. In particular, to establish a mechanism that is inclusive to under-represented people and communities, early career ocean professionals, etc.

  2. Create recommendations for PICES on best practices to reduce GHG emissions and waste relative to meetings

  3. Establish organization-wide green initiatives, such as: eliminating single use plastics, reduced printing, reduced purchases of single use or limited use items at meetings, including meeting gifts.

  4. Exploration of PICES investment in climate-responsible industries.

  5. Provide recommendations for best practices in purchasing carbon offsets for members for face-to-face meetings, including suggestions for including offsets as part of the conference registration fees

  6. Provide suggested actions to promote PICES green initiatives and climate change information.

  • New Study Group SG-GREEN Membership and Co-Chairs Robin M. Brown (Canada), Hiroya Sugisaki (Co-Chair, Japan), Sung Yong Kim (Korea), Jae-Hyoung Park (Korea), Erin Vera Satterthwaite (USA), Vera L. Trainer (USA, Co-Chair), Mark L. Wells (USA)
    1/15/2023 12:00:00 AM PST
Mr. Robin M. Brown (SG-GREEN)
SG-GREEN ex-officio representing PICES
PICES Secretariat
9860 W. Saanich Rd., P.O. Box 6000
North Saanich, BC
Canada V8L 1J6
Dr. Hiroya Sugisaki (SG-GREEN)
Fisheries Resources Institute
Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA)
2-12-4 Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
Japan 236-8648
(81-45) 788-7674
(81-45) 788-5001
Prof. Sung Yong Kim (AP-NPCOOS, MONITOR, SB, SG-GREEN, WG-47, WG-49, WG-50)
Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (EFML)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon, Korea, R 34141
(82-42) 350-1523
(82-42) 350-1510
Dr. Jae-Hyoung Park (AP-NPCOOS, SG-GREEN)
Major of Oceanography
Pukyong National University
45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu
Busan, Korea, R 48513
+82 51 629 6570
+82-51 629 6568
Dr. Erin Vera Satterthwaite (AP-ECOP, AP-UNDOS, FUTURE-SSC, SG-GREEN, WG-52)
California Sea Grant & Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., #0232
La Jolla, CA
U.S.A. 92093
(858) 534-4440
Dr. Vera L. Trainer (AP-ECOP, AP-SciCom, HAB-S, SG-GREEN, WG-49)
AP-ECOP Mentor, SG-GREEN Chair
Marine Program Director
University of Washington
Olympic Natural Resources Center, 1455 S Forks Ave.
Forks, WA
U.S.A. 9833
Dr. Mark L. Wells (HAB-S, SG-GREEN)
S-HAB Co-Chair
School of Marine Sciences
University of Maine
5741 Libby Hall
Orono, ME
U.S.A. 04469
(1-207) 581-4322
(1-207) 581-4388
Annual Meetings
