Session and Workshop Summaries
W4, Exploring engagement opportunities for ECOPs within PICES and internationally
Other Events
2024 International Open Science Training with PICES Advisory Panel on Early Career Ocean Professionals (AP-ECOP)
Session 1: International Collaboration/Science Diplomacy [
zoom recording MP4]
Alexander R. Gaos
[download pdf]
Marine turtles: the poster child for international collaboration in science
Hiroaki Saito
[download pdf]
PICES International Open Science Training for international collaboration & science diplomacy
Jun Hyung “Joe” Kim
[download pdf]
Successful International Collaboration in Korean Ocean Science: Insights into Effective Scientific Diplomacy and Cross‐Cultural Cooperation
Robin Brown
[download pdf]
International Collaboration & Science Diplomacy
Session 2: International Data Management [
zoom recording MP4]
Atsuhiko Isobe
[download pdf]
Atlas of Ocean MIcroplastics; AOMI 青海 (blue ocean)
Brett Johnson
[download pdf]
International Data Management: Data Governance, Practical Insights, Building Trust Across Borders
Jeanette Gann
[download pdf]
Data Management & Practices in the U.S.
Seung-Tae Yoon
[download pdf]
Data Management in the Republic of Korea
Session 3: Science Communication [
zoom recording MP4]
Tammy Norgard & Devon Warawa
[download pdf]
Communication is the Key. Clear communication is the Challenge
Hannah Lachance
[download pdf]
Minkyoung Kim
[download pdf]
Science Communication
Hiromi Yokoyama
[download pdf]
Trust in Science and Scientists. The concept of Science communication.
Developing Better Capacity for ECOPs
Winter 2025, Vol. 33, No. 1 , pp. 41-46
2024 International Open Science Training: An Ocean Decade-Endorsed Activity Co-led by PICES Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs)
Winter 2023, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 31-34
PICES-2022 W4: Exploring Engagement Opportunities for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) within PICES and Internationally
Winter 2021, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 28-33
PICES-2020 VW9 Workshop — Building a PICES Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Network
This podcast episode highlighted UN Decade ECOP efforts and other ECOP efforts including PICES AP-ECOP.
The Ocean Decade Show - ECOP Evolution - New National Nodes with Hannah Lachance
PICES Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Engagement Opportunities flyer:
English |
French |
Japanese |
Korean |
Peer-reviewed Papers
Chiba et al.
Knowledge sharing and capacity development to promote early career ocean professionals in small island developing states: The SmartNet Approach.
Oceanography, Volume 38, No. 1, September 23,
2024, Pages 23–0, (Open Access)
Roman et al.
Building Bridges for Ocean Sustainability: The Evolution and Impact of the Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Programme.
Marine Technology Society Journal, Volume 58, Numbers 1-2, 21 June
2024, pp. 8-14(7). (Open Access)