Advisory Panel on Early Career Ocean Professionals
Definition of PICES ECOP
"An ECOP is someone who self-identifies as an early career professional in the beginning of their career, with ten years or less of professional experience."
To remain vibrant and relevant over the long-term, professional organizations must attract, integrate and retain diverse perspectives, especially of early career professionals. The connection between organizations and early career professionals is mutually beneficial. Engaging ECOPs in PICES promotes diversity, initially generationally, but eventually by incorporating a greater number of disciplines and sectors and by developing and strengthening relationships with countries and organizations located in different ocean basins; provides expertise in new research techniques and greater emphasis on science communication, outreach, and enhances organizational capacity. Complementary to this, ECOPs benefit by engaging in knowledge sharing, training, and mentorship and getting direct experience in relevant professional skills such as international collaborations, intergovernmental engagement, science communication, and conference organization, as well as employment, funding, or other professional opportunities. A survey conducted by the previous SG-ECOP demonstrated how willing and keen both ECOPs and later career ocean professionals (LCOPs) were towards the institution of a mentorship program and towards greater inclusion and engagement of ECOPs within PICES organizational development, scientific agenda, communication strategy and multi-stakeholder partnerships.

The goal of the proposed Advisory Panel is to facilitate the incorporation and engagement of diverse early career ocean professionals (ECOPs), across regions, sectors, disciplines, and other axes of diversity into the PICES scientific activities and organizational structure, including expert groups and the Secretariat. This includes identifying opportunities for participation, recruiting diverse ECOPs, and sustaining their engagement. The AP will support and direct ECOP engagement within PICES and the North Pacific, as well as encourage ECOP participation in organizations, programs, and activities of interest to the PICES community, such as associated with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (e.g., SMARTNet).

While PICES currently defines ECOPs as early career scientists who are less than 36 years old, or who obtained their PhD within the last 5 years, the Advisory Panel intends to expand and update this definition further so as to be more inclusive of ECOPs coming from different sectors and career backgrounds (e.g., graduated at an older age but still self-identify as early career).
Terms of Reference
  1. Explore opportunities for ECOP representation in PICES through enhanced demographic data collection and assessment. The AP will continue to assess opportunities to enhance representation in PICES expert groups and organizational structures and ensure that there is cross fertilization among the existing Expert Groups, such as the proposed Science Communication Advisory Panel. This could include identifying reasonable, quantitative benchmarks for ECOP participation, both within PICES as a whole and in specific expert groups, decision-making bodies, and other key organizational structures and improving demographic information to track the demographics of the PICES annual meeting and community.

  2. Recruit diverse ECOPs through revitalized communications and existing networks. The AP will actively work to recruit diverse ECOPs, from different regions, sectors, and disciplines, into PICES by revitalizing communication and connecting with existing networks. This could include supporting with the PICES website, developing an ECOP section on the PICES website, and asking existing PICES members and national members of expert groups to actively invite ECOPs to the annual meeting and expert group meetings.

  3. Engage ECOPs through professional opportunities in expert groups, programs, and other aspects of PICES structure. Incorporate ECOPs into all levels of PICES including participation in expert groups and the Secretariat and ultimately leadership roles within the organization. For example, this could include post-docs or interns that support Expert Groups or the Secretariat. In addition, ECOPs could see which Expert Groups (EGs) align with their areas of interest, join the EG meetings, and contact the EG chair.

  4. Foster inter-generational exchange through mentorship programs and activities. The AP will continue to foster inter-generational exchange and mentorship between experienced PICES members, ECOPs, and emerging ECOPs (e.g. youth), such as by encouraging later career ocean professionals (LCOPs) to mentor ECOPs that are eager to participate in expert groups and other organizational bodies.

  5. Collaborate with partners to develop and advance inclusive engagement in the North Pacific and internationally. The AP will work with other international, regional, and national organizations, initiatives and/or countries to further ECOP engagement, especially those related to mentorship, diverse engagement, and early career professional recruitment, retention, and participation. This could include developing a North Pacific ECOP network to connect within and across regions globally and within the context of international processes, like the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), and across the associated programs (e.g., SMARTNet, GEOS, ECOP).

  • Changes within AP-ECOP Membership (USA): Ms. Lauren Miki Kashiwabara is a newly appointed AP-ECOP member representing USA.
    1/13/2025 4:47:20 PM PST
  • Changes within AP-ECOP Membership (China): Dr. Peng Lian is a newly appointed AP-ECOP member replacing Dr. Edmond Sanganyado.
    12/19/2024 3:09:30 PM PST
  • Changes within AP-ECOP Membership (Japan): Ms. Yuan Lin and Mr. Toya Hirokawa are newly appointed members of AP-ECOP representing Japan.
    12/4/2024 1:56:46 PM PST
  • Changes within AP-ECOP Membership (Co-Chairs): Ms. Hannah Lachance (USA) stepped down as a Co-Chair of AP-ECOP.
    11/28/2024 1:13:36 PM PST
  • Changes within AP-ECOP Membership (Canada): Ms. Mary Kevin and Mr. Talen Kaile Lunde Rimmer are newly appointed AP-ECOP members.
    11/14/2024 7:04:42 PM PST
Ms. Mary Kevin (AP-ECOP)
2930 Newton Street
Nanaimo, BC
Canada V9T 2Y3
Ms. Saeseul Kim (AP-ECOP)
Representing PICES Secretariat
PICES Secretariat
9860 West Saanich Road
Sidney, Canada V8L 4B2
Mr. Talen Kaile Lunde Rimmer (AP-ECOP, AP-UNDOS)
University of Victoria
112 - 1025 Linden Avenue
Victoria, BC
Canada V8V 4H4
Mr. Raphael Kevin Roman (AP-ECOP, AP-UNDOS, WG-51)
AP-ECOP Co-Chair
UN Ocean Decade-endorsed ECOP Programme
2350 W 8th Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6K2A9
Ms. Andrea White (AP-ECOP, AP-UNDOS)
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 Kent St., Mail Station 12S030
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1A 0E6
(1-613) 462-8206
Dr. Peng Lian (AP-ECOP, WG-49)
Fishery Resource and Environment Research Center
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
No.150 Qingtacun, South Yongding Rd, Beijing.
Beijing, 10
China, PR 100141
Dr. Pengbin Wang (AP-ECOP, AP-SciCom, HAB-S)
S-HAB Co-Chair
Key Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem Dynamics
The Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
No. 36 Baochubei Rd.
Hangzhou, Zhejiang
China, PR 310012
Dr. Zuhao Zhu (AP-ECOP)
Fourth Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, PRC
26 Xinshiji Road
Beihai, Guang'xi Zhuang
China, PR 536000
(+86) 18077962834
Mr. Toya Hirokawa (AP-ECOP)
The University of Tokyo
Kashiwanoha 5-1-5
Kashiwa, Chiba
Japan 2768564
Prof. Shin-ichi Ito (AP-ECOP, S-CCME)
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
The University of Tokyo
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha
Kashiwa, Chiba
Japan 277-8564
(81-4) 7136-6240
(81-4) 7136-6247
Ms. Heping Li (AP-ECOP)
Graduate school of Science
Kyoto Univerisity
2-24 Tanaka-Sekiden-_Cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Kyoto, Japan 6068203
Ms. Yuan Lin (AP-ECOP)
The University of Tokyo
Kashiwa, Chiba Japan 277-8564
Kashiwa, Japan 277-8564
Ms. Hana Matsubara (AP-ECOP)
AP-ECOP Co-Chair
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
University of Tokyo
5-1-5, Kashiwanoha
Kashiwa-shi, Chiba
Japan 277-8564
Dr. Satomi Takagi (AP-ECOP)
Fisheries Resources Institute (FRI)
Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA)
116 Katsurakoi
Kushiro, Hokkaido
Japan 085-0802
Dr. Keyseok Choe (AP-ECOP)
Department of Ecology and Conservation
National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea
75 Jangsan-ro 101beon-gil
Janghang Seocheon, Chungnam
Korea, R 33662
Prof. Yoonja Kang (AP-ECOP)
Department of Ocean Integrated Science
Chonnam National University
College of Fisheries and Oceanography #204, 50, Daehak-ro
Yeosu, Jeollanam-do
Korea, R 59626
Prof. Minkyoung Kim (AP-ECOP, CREAMS-AP)
AP-ECOP Co-Chair
Kyungpook National University
513 chun
Daegu, Korea, R 08826
Prof. Seung-Tae Yoon (AP-ECOP, WG-52)
WG-52 Co-Chair
Department of Oceanography
Kyungpook National University
80, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea.
Daegu, Korea, R 41566
Dr. Steven J. Bograd (AP-ECOP, AP-UNDOS, FUTURE-SSC, POC, SB, WG-49)
FUTURE-SSC Co-Chair, AP-ECOP Mentor, AP-UNDOS Co-Chair
Environmental Research Division
99 Pacific St., Suite 255A
Monterey, CA
U.S.A. 93940
(1-831) 648-8314
Dr. Alexandra C.D. Davis (AP-ECOP)
CSU Northridge
610 Charles E Young Dr S
Los Angelas, California
U.S.A. 90095
Representing: Canada
Ms. Lauren Miki Kashiwabara (AP-ECOP)
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Oregon State University
Hatfield Marine Science Center 2030SE Marine Science Dr
Newport, OR
U.S.A. 97365
Ms. Hannah Lachance (AP-ECOP, AP-SciCom)
Leading Solutions in support of NOAA Fisheries
72 Little Eagle Bay Rd
Burlington , VT
U.S.A. 05408
(845) 857 4302
Dr. Erin Vera Satterthwaite (AP-ECOP, AP-UNDOS, FUTURE-SSC, SG-GREEN, WG-52)
California Sea Grant & Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., #0232
La Jolla, CA
U.S.A. 92093
(858) 534-4440
Dr. Matthew Savoca (AP-ECOP, MEQ, S-MPP)
S-MPP Co-Chair
Department of Oceans, Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
120 Ocean View Blvd.
Pacific Grove, CA
U.S.A. 93950
Dr. Vera L. Trainer (AP-ECOP, AP-SciCom, HAB-S, SG-GREEN, WG-49)
AP-ECOP Mentor, SG-GREEN Chair
Marine Program Director
University of Washington
Olympic Natural Resources Center, 1455 S Forks Ave.
Forks, WA
U.S.A. 9833
Products and Events
Annual Meetings


2023, 2022

Session and Workshop Summaries

W4, Exploring engagement opportunities for ECOPs within PICES and internationally

Other Events
2024 International Open Science Training with PICES Advisory Panel on Early Career Ocean Professionals (AP-ECOP)

Session 1: International Collaboration/Science Diplomacy [zoom recording MP4]
  • Alexander R. Gaos [download pdf]
    Marine turtles: the poster child for international collaboration in science
  • Hiroaki Saito [download pdf]
    PICES International Open Science Training for international collaboration & science diplomacy
  • Jun Hyung “Joe” Kim [download pdf]
    Successful International Collaboration in Korean Ocean Science: Insights into Effective Scientific Diplomacy and Cross‐Cultural Cooperation
  • Robin Brown [download pdf]
    International Collaboration & Science Diplomacy
Session 2: International Data Management [zoom recording MP4]
  • Atsuhiko Isobe [download pdf]
    Atlas of Ocean MIcroplastics; AOMI 青海 (blue ocean)
  • Brett Johnson [download pdf]
    International Data Management: Data Governance, Practical Insights, Building Trust Across Borders
  • Jeanette Gann [download pdf]
    Data Management & Practices in the U.S.
  • Seung-Tae Yoon [download pdf]
    Data Management in the Republic of Korea
Session 3: Science Communication [zoom recording MP4]
  • Tammy Norgard & Devon Warawa [download pdf]
    Communication is the Key. Clear communication is the Challenge
  • Hannah Lachance [download pdf]
  • Minkyoung Kim [download pdf]
    Science Communication
  • Hiromi Yokoyama [download pdf]
    Trust in Science and Scientists. The concept of Science communication.

Developing Better Capacity for ECOPs


Winter 2025, Vol. 33, No. 1 , pp. 41-46
2024 International Open Science Training: An Ocean Decade-Endorsed Activity Co-led by PICES Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs)

Winter 2023, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 31-34
PICES-2022 W4: Exploring Engagement Opportunities for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) within PICES and Internationally

Winter 2021, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 28-33
PICES-2020 VW9 Workshop — Building a PICES Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Network

This podcast episode highlighted UN Decade ECOP efforts and other ECOP efforts including PICES AP-ECOP.
The Ocean Decade Show - ECOP Evolution - New National Nodes with Hannah Lachance

PICES Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Engagement Opportunities flyer:
English | French | Japanese | Korean |

Peer-reviewed Papers
Chiba et al. Knowledge sharing and capacity development to promote early career ocean professionals in small island developing states: The SmartNet Approach. Oceanography, Volume 38, No. 1, September 23, 2024, Pages 23–0, (Open Access)

Roman et al. Building Bridges for Ocean Sustainability: The Evolution and Impact of the Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Programme. Marine Technology Society Journal, Volume 58, Numbers 1-2, 21 June 2024, pp. 8-14(7). (Open Access)