Report of Joint PICES/ICES Working Group 44 on Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Northern Bering Sea - Chukchi Sea
Expert Group: WG-44 P: 978-1-927797-68-6
Report of Working Group 36 on Common Ecosystem Reference Points across PICES Member Countries
Expert Group: WG-36 P: 978-1-927797-47-1 W: 978-1-927797-57-0
Spatial Ecology of Marine Top Predators in the North Pacific: Tools for Integrating across Datasets and Identifying High Use Areas
Expert Group: AP-MBM P: 978-1-927797-21-1 W: 978-1-927797-23-5
PICES Advisory Report on the Decline of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Steller, 1743) in Relation to Marine Ecology
P: 1-897176-79-1 W: 978-1-927797-08-2
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas
P: 1-897176-64-3 W: 1-897176-65-1
Impacts of Climate and Climate Change on the Key Species in the Fisheries in the North Pacific
P: 1-897176-45-7 W: 1-897176-61-9
Forecasting Climate Impacts on Future Production of Commercially Exploited Fish and Shellfish
P: 1-897176-43-0 W: 1-897176-44-9
Report of the PICES/NPRB Workshop on Integration of Ecological Indicators of the North Pacific with Emphasis on the Bering Sea
P: 1-897176-05-8 W: 1-897176-09-0
Report of the 2005 Workshop on Ocean Ecodynamics Comparison in the Subarctic Pacific
P: 1-897176-04-X W: 1-897176-10-4
Report of the 2004 Workshop on In Situ Iron Enrichment Experiments in the Eastern and Western Subarctic Pacific
P: 1-897176-03-1 W: 1-897176-11-2
Micronekton of the North Pacific
P: 1-897176-02-3 W: 1-897176-12-0
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas
P: 0-9731492-6-4 W: 1-897176-16-3
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: The BASS/MODEL Report on Trophic Models of the Subarctic Pacific Basin Ecosystems
Expert Group: TT-BASS, TT-MODEL
P: 0-9731492-5-6 W: 1-897176-17-1
PICES Science: The First Ten Years and a Look to the Future
P: 0-9731492-2-1 W: 1-897176-20-1
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the PICES 2002 Volunteer Observing Ship Workshop
P: 0-9731492-1-3 W: 1-897176-21-X
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 2001 BASS/MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2002 MODEL/REX Workshop
P: 0-9731492-0-5 W: 1-897176-22-8
Commercially Important Crabs, Shrimps and Lobsters of the North Pacific Ocean
P: 0-9685100-9-4 W: 1-897176-23-6
Proceedings of the PICES/CoML/IPRC Workshop on “Impact of Climate Variability on Observation and Prediction of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Changes in the North Pacific”
Expert Group: WG 24
P: 0-9685100-8-6 W: 1-897176-24-4
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 2000 BASS, MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2001 BASS/MODEL Workshop
Expert Group: TT-BASS,
P: 0-9685100-7-8 W: 1-897176-25-2
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 1999 MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2000 MODEL Workshop on Lower Trophic Level Modelling
P: 0-9685100-5-1 W: 1-897176-27-9
Predation by Marine Birds and Mammals in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean
P: 0-9685100-4-3 W: 1-897176-28-7
Bibliography of the Oceanography of the Japan/East Sea
P: 0-9685100-3-5 W: 1-897176-29-5
Proceedings of the Second PICES Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas
P: 0-9685100-2-7 W: 1-897176-30-9
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Summary of the 1998 MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and Task Team Reports
P: 0-9685100-1-9 W: 1-897176-31-7
Proceedings of the 1998 Science Board Symposium on The Impacts of the 1997/98 El Niño Event on the North Pacific Ocean and Its Marginal Seas
P: 0-9685100-0-0 W: 1-897176-32-5
PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Workshop on the Development of Cooperative Research in Coastal Regions of the North Pacific
P: 0-9698420-9-0 W: 1-897176-33-3
Multilingual Nomenclature of Place and Oceanographic Names in the Region of the Okhotsk Sea
P: 0-9698420-8-2 W: 1-897176-34-1
Summary of the Workshop on Conceptual/Theoretical Studies and Model Development and the 1996 MODEL, BASS and REX Task Team Reports
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas.
P: 0-9698420-6-6 W: 1-897176-36-8
Science Plan, Implementation Plan (Report of the PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity)
P: 0-9698420-4-X W: 1-897176-38-4
Report of the PICES-STA Workshop on Monitoring Subarctic North Pacific Variability
P: 0-9698420-3-1 W: 1-897176-39-2