This proposed SG aims to exchange and share studies on MES in North Pacific ecosystems, to promote ecosystem service sciences, and to suggest how consideration of MES could improve marine ecosystem (integrated) management.
While the focus of SG-MES lies within the general TOR of S-HD (but see 1 above), the work plan for S-HD is already very full. Formation of SG-MES will allow PICES to attract researchers with specific interest in MES while leaving S-HD members free to dedicate their effort to completing the current work-plan.
The SG-MES will help meet the FUTURE program’s Objective 1 (Understanding Critical Processes in the North Pacific) and Objective 2 (Status Reports, Outlooks, Forecasts, and Engagement). The third key scientific question under Objective 1 (How do human activities affect coastal ecosystems and how are societies affected by changes in these ecosystems?) are related to MES as studies on supply and consumption of ecosystem services provide a better understanding of North Pacific ecosystem status and change. In addition, the SG will contribute to Objective 2 as the next North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report is expected to include a preliminary assessment of MES.