PICES Open Data Excellence (PODA) Award
[Approved by IGC Decision 2024/S/9]


The Open Data Excellence Award (PODA) is bestowed in honour of the respected Dr. Igor Shevchenko, who for many years was deeply involved in national and international data sharing activities. Dr. Shevchenko's pioneering work in differential games and artificial intelligence, along with his extensive involvement in data sharing and metadata initiatives, has left an indelible mark on the PICES community. In particular, his tireless work in helping to create and maintain an extensive resource for metadata and data records via the technical committee on data exchange (TCODE) metadata catalogue, will be a PICES legacy upon which we continue to build. As an Advisor to the Head of the Pacific branch of the Russian Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, his leadership and expertise played a pivotal role in advancing scientific knowledge and promoting international collaborative approaches. Additionally, his dedication to teaching and mentoring students majoring in mathematics and programming has inspired countless young minds to pursue careers in data science and its applications. In recognition of his remarkable achievements and contributions, the PICES Open Data Excellence Award stands as a testament to Dr. Igor Shevchenko's legacy and the enduring impact of his work.


The purpose of the award highlights the importance of open data and its role in driving scientific progress and addressing global challenges, including weather and climate change impacts on marine ecosystems and human activities. This award honours an individual, group or organization within PICES who exemplifies the spirit of excellence in data stewardship, open data sharing and international collaboration. By recognizing outstanding individuals or groups who embrace these principles, the award aims to inspire further advancements in the field and foster a community committed to innovation in open data and sharing for the betterment of our marine ecosystems and the greatest societal good.


Criteria for selection include outstanding and inspiring contributions to advancing data sharing and management throughout the data management lifecycle in the PICES community, including application, development or unification of data and metadata standards, large-scale data integrations from disparate sources to advance decision support or modelling, archival of critical datasets to prevent loss, quality control and improvement of vital datasets, impactful community building around the practice of open data and data stewardship, and development of essential cyber infrastructure to support open data sharing and stewardship. The criteria also include contributions such as: developing open data software; catalyzing interoperability of data/metadata; building open data communities, developing novel training and mentoring around data science; sharing data, algorithms, code, and protocols.

Nomination and Selection

The award invites annual nominations, and a maximum of one award will be conferred each year. Nominations from individuals or groups residing in PICES member countries should be submitted, along with the requested supporting documentation, to the Executive Secretary (Sonia.Batten@pices.int) by the deadline specified in the Call for Nominations. Nominees who have actively participated in PICES activities or research projects within the organization's purview will receive preferential consideration. The Technical Committee on Data Exchange (TCODE) will independently assess the documents accompanying each nomination and recommend some or all nominations for consideration by the Science Board. The Selection Committee, represented by the PICES Science Board, will evaluate all nominations and identify the most deserving recipient. Those who have been nominated but not selected for the award will remain eligible for re-nomination in subsequent years. For re-nominating, the updated nomination documents must be provided to ensure an accurate representation of the candidate's open data accomplishments. To maintain a substantial pool of potential candidates, the Science Board will retain any excess recommendations for review over two consecutive years, and these recommendations will be reactivated with the nominator's approval.
* Government and/or large public organizations that have data-sharing requirements are not eligible for consideration of this award. However, individuals or groups within these organizations that go above and beyond their agency requirements for data sharing may be considered for the award.

Award and Presentation

The Award Presentation Ceremony takes place during the Opening Session of the PICES Annual Meeting. The successful nominee will be provided with a certificate of recognition at the ceremony. No financial support from PICES will be provided to the recipient to attend the Annual Meeting where the award is given. Should any representative be unable to attend the Annual Meeting, a delegate from the recipient's country will be asked to accept the award on behalf of the recipient. The award itself symbolizes recognition of the recipient's commitment to open data principles and their contributions to advancing marine scientific research through data sharing.

Call for Nominations

Nominations for the PODA Award are accepted annually from NOVEMBER 1st of the preceding year, to MARCH 31st of the award year. To submit a nomination for the award, please send a letter of nomination, outlining why the nominee deserves to be considered, along with supporting documentation. Supporting documentation can include a resume (for individual nominations) or a list of projects/accomplishments (for groups or organization nominations), and/or additional endorsements from colleagues or managers. All nomination materials should be submitted to the PICES Executive Secretary, Sonia Batten, at Sonia.Batten@pices.int by MARCH 31st. Late nominations will not be accepted.