Zooplankton Biomass
Select the region of interest and a list will be generated of zooplankton and phytoplankton taxa that have been found in samples from that region at least once, together with the number of samples analysed in that region. The list of taxa begins with the most frequently occurring taxa, with the number of samples in which it occurred to the left. Check your taxa of interest and then check 'graph' to display the time series.
An estimate of total mesozooplankton biomass per sample has been calculated from the abundance data by multiplying the abundance of each taxon by its taxon-specific dry weight, and summing these values for each sample. The dry weight values were derived from empirical measurements of individual organism's length and dry weight or, if measurements were not available for a particular taxon, dry weights were calculated from the published length of the organism and the empirical length to weight ratio for the closest taxonomically available organism.
Acknowledgment to be used in any reports/publications (but please check prior to final publication for amendments):
Pacific CPR data collection is supported by a consortium for the North Pacific CPR survey coordinated by
the North Pacific Marine Science Organisation (PICES) and comprising
the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB),
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council (EVOS TC),
Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and
the the Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA).
Please send a copy of any publications/reports arising from the use of Pacific CPR data to Co-ordinator Pacific CPR Survey, Clare Ostle, claost@mba.ac.uk
AKsh = Alaskan Shelf
AleutSh = Aleutian Shelf
CoastBC = Coastal British Columbia
CookIn = Cook Inlet
NEJap = North East Japan Shelf
NGoA = Northen Gulf of Alaska
Offshore BC = Offshore British Columbia
SouthBerSea = Southern Bering Sea
WGoA = Western Gulf of Alaska
WNPacific = Western North Pacific
Choose the region you are interested in: